
Service, Quality, and Value


Enrolled agent status is the highest credential awarded by the IRS

An enrolled agent is a person who has earned the privilege of representing taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service by either passing a three-part comprehensive IRS test covering individual and business tax returns, or through experience as a former IRS employee.


Tax Preparation

We will professionally prepare your corporate, small business, and personal taxes. We work with you every step of the way to ensure you receive the absolute maximum tax advantage.

  • Business Tax – LLC, S-Corporation, Partnership, Rental Properties, Small Businesses

  • Personal Tax – Individuals Returns , Personalized Deduction Optimization

Accounting Services

Get your books in order and achieve peace of mind knowing that your books and finances are in order. Remove tax time panic with a clean, updated set of books, quarterly statements, and monthly reconciliations.

  • Bookkeeping for Small Businesses

  • Financial Reports & Cash Flow Management

  • QuickBooks Consulting & Setup


McKane Tax offers the following professional services

  • Rapid Response to IRS Letters

  • Negotiate Payment Plans for over $10,000

  • Workarounds for Unpaid Taxes

  • Audit Defense & Representation

specialized services

  • Business Tax Planning: - Should I set up an LLC, Corporation, or other type ? What’s the best retirement plan for my new business ? How can I get reimbursed for home office, cell phone and vehicle expenses ? How can I lower self-employment taxes ?

  • Rental Property Tax Strategies - Avoid taxes on your appreciated rental property and generate tax free wealth. Convert your rental property into a primary residence and avoid capital gains.

  • Personal Tax Planning - Capitalize on suitable tax planning opportunities to save money. Does a Roth IRA make sense ? When is the best time to sell my appreciated personal residence ? How can I time the exercise of my stock options to pay less in taxes?

  • Foreign Financial Accounts - Do you have foreign financial accounts that need to be reported ? Did you know that not reporting these could cost you a minimum of $10,000 in penalties ? Let us help you report your returns and avoid trouble.

  • ITIN Certified Acceptance Agent - We are exclusively contracted to process ITIN numbers. You will save a trip to the IRS office, avoid costly errors that delay refunds, and not risk sending original documents in the mail. We certify copies and remit application on your behalf. We have processed over 3,000 applications since 2006.



Pay the absolute legal minimum in taxes

Book a consultation on my calendar
or contact me directly at the information below.

Phone: (650) 703-3365


FREE 15 minute call or visit
No obligation